HOW TO Become the Most Sought After Expert FOR PATIENTS NEEDING relief

HOW TO Become the Most Sought After Expert FOR PATIENTS NEEDING relief

Especially If You Have Less Than 5 Years of Experience 
Or Have Recently Opened Your Own Practice...
Especially If You Have Less Than 5 Years of Experience Or Have Recently Opened Your Own Practice...

With this course, you’ll be able to help your patients feel better than when they first stepped in. 
And it’s completely free! 

 Improve your confidence in the clinic
 Revamp the way you evaluate and treat patients
 Become the obvious solution to patients looking for relief 
Perform Better 

Feel confident knowing the best approach to take with your patients.

Feel confident knowing the best approach to take with your patients.

Revamped systems

Simplify the way you diagnose and treat your patients pain so that you can help more people.

solutions for relief

Dial in your approach
and become the obvious choice for patients needing relief from pain

Dial in your approach and become the obvious choice for patients needing relief from pain

With this course, you’ll be able to help your patients feel better than 
when they first stepped in. And it’s completely free! 

With this course, you’ll be able to help your patients feel better than when they first stepped in. 
And it’s completely free! 

Hear What These Physical Therapists Have To Say About The Training...
"[This is] a course that focuses on taking somebody from their sickest to their strongest. And you'll also be able to figure out why no other provider has gotten that patient better. It teaches you how to properly evaluate someone, get them out of pain as quickly as possible, and load the aprpoporiately so their pain doesnt return."
Osama Imam
practice owner / performance physical therapist
"This has been worth every penny that i invested in it. I'm glad I'm doing it, and I'm learning so much. I've been able to help more people that I would have struggled with. If i would have treated them, I don't know that I would have gotten them better."
Matt Szymanski
performance physical therapist
"There's no stone left un-turned. [The PRA] goes joint by joint, from upper cervical spine down to feet and toes, and they provide a lot of insight into evaluation techniques, clinical pearls, treatment, manual therapy, exercise prescription all the way from eval to discharge - it's so thorough. . . .It's elevated my practice."
Britt Smith
practice owner/performance physical therapist
Look, I know what you’re thinking…
“How Can I Become The Go To Solution 
To People Looking For Relief If I Only Have Less Than 5 Years Of Experience or I Just Recently Opened My Clinic?”
“How Can I Become The Go To Solution To People Looking For Relief If I Only Have Less Than 5 Years Of Experience or I Just Recently Opened My Clinic?”
The answer is simple.

All you need to CHANGE is the way you identify your patients problems, then you can become the badass performance rehab clinician that you know you can be.
You see, we are physical therapists ourselves and we’ve worked with a lot of PTs and the one thing they lacked most is confidence in their skills set.

And there’s a reason for that.
Not everyone has ever been taught a system to follow — a black-and-white algorithm to help patients feel so much better than when they first stepped in to the clinic.
They either do education courses to fix this problem (But there’s just a ton of fluffy bullshit out there that you can’t actually apply.)…

Or they continue to work within their comfort zones, and apply what they’ve learned (which let’s be honest, just going through the motions and giving exercises they’re not completely certain will help)…

If you feel like you’re in that similar situation, this is where our 3-Week Physical Therapy Training course comes in.

With this course, you’ll be able to help your patients feel better than 
when they first stepped in. And it’s completely free! 

With this course, you’ll be able to help your patients feel better than when they first stepped in. 
And it’s completely free! 

I’ve created a system called the Mobility Manual that teaches you how to restore your strength and mobility so you can move more freely with less pain and give yourself an opportunity to move better and feel great.
Eliminate Guesswork When Evaluating and Treating Complex Rehab Cases...
All by using the information you'll learn in this course…
Evaluation Methods
How to differentiate between neck and shoulder pain sources using specific evaluation methods, including the traction alleviation test and observation of pain changes during arm movements.
How to rehabilitate patients beyond traditional methods, focusing on quality movement, part-task training, and progressive loading exercises for comprehensive recovery.
Holistic Rehab Approach
Learn the importance of teaching patients to move confidently, using varied exercises to build resilience and prevent future injuries, as part of a holistic rehab approach.
Diagnostic Precision
How to pinpoint the source of pain in the hip, lumbar spine, or sacroiliac joint, enhancing your diagnostic precision.
And so much more…
After you complete this course, you’ll begin to see where you normally go wrong.

Evaluation Methods

How to differentiate between neck and shoulder pain sources using specific evaluation methods, including the traction alleviation test and observation of pain changes during arm movements.


How to rehabilitate patients beyond traditional methods, focusing on quality movement, part-task training, and progressive loading exercises for comprehensive recovery.

Holistic Rehab Approach

Learn the importance of teaching patients to move confidently, using varied exercises to build resilience and prevent future injuries, as part of a holistic rehab approach.

Diagnostic Precision

How to pinpoint the source of pain in the hip, lumbar spine, or sacroiliac joint, enhancing your diagnostic precision.

And so much more…

After you complete this course, you’ll begin to see where you normally go wrong. 
Now, Why Are We Offering This 3-Week Training Course 100% Free? 
Because our mission is to change the way active adults and athletes experience the healthcare system…

And it starts with PTs like you.
See, by helping PTs like you become the badass, performance rehab clinician that we know you can be, we’re getting inch closer to our goal.

We're passionate about elevating the standard of care in physical therapy, and we believe that starts with dedicated professionals like you.
This course isn't just about improving skills; it's about creating a ripple effect of positive change across the healthcare system.

When you improve and experience even the slightest of wins by providing great advice to your patients, your patients succeed.

And when that happens, the whole industry shifts for the better.
That's why we're offering this invaluable training for free – to ignite this transformation, starting with you.

With this training, you’ll be able to help your patients feel better than 
when they first stepped in. And it’s completely free! 

With this training, you’ll be able to help your patients feel better than when they first stepped in.
And it’s completely free! 

  We Have to Give Up on Things We Love to Do to Prevent Pain From Flaring Up
This is a flat out LIE.

It’s not the things that you do or even your age that flare up the pain you are feeling.

It’s what you you do with your body as you go through your recovery (which is so much more than rest).

Take my story as an example.

A few years back, I got an injury which put me in excruciating pain.

The best advice that I was given was that my lower back and hips were fragile and tight and I needed to rest it until the pain went away.
Will This Training Challenge Your 
Comfort Zone? You Bet It Will!
Will This Training Challenge Your Comfort Zone? 
You Bet It Will!
But growth happens just outside your comfort zone, and that's exactly where we aim to take you.

This training is more than just a learning experience; it's a call to action to break free from routine practices that are not bringing in the results that your clients are looking for.
It's about pushing boundaries, questioning the status quo, and daring to try something new.

When you step out of your comfort zone, you not only grow as an authority in your profession, you set a new standard in patient care.

So, are you ready to step up and embrace this challenge?
Right Now, There Are Two Types 
Of Physical Therapists And Rehab Clinicians…
Right Now, There Are Two Types Of Physical Therapists And Rehab Clinicians…
 Average Physical Therapists and Rehab Chiropractors/ Clinicians
People only want to work with them because they either have no other choice or they just want someone to tell them they can get better (even if they don’t believe it)…
 Badass, Go-To Physical Therapists and Rehab Chiropractors/Clinicians
These therapists are the obvious choice for patients. They’re sought after because patients know deep inside they’re in good hands. Patients believe they’ll get better the moment they step foot in their clinic…
 An AVERAGE Physical Therapist Or Rehab Clinician
People only want to work with them because they either have no other choice or they just want someone to tell them they can get better (even if they don’t believe it)…
 BADASS, Go-To Physical Therapist Or Rehab Clinician
These therapists are the obvious choice for patients. They’re sought after because patients know deep inside they’re in good hands. Patients believe they’ll get better the moment they step foot in their clinic…
The Question Is, Which one are you 
going to Choose To become?
The Question Is, Which One Are You
Going To Choose To Become?

The Question Is, Which One Are You Going To Choose To Become?

With this training, you’ll be able to help your patients feel better than 
when they first stepped in. And it’s completely free! 

With this training, you’ll be able to help your patients feel better than when they first stepped in. 
And it’s completely free! 

You Can IGNORE This Training & Just Stick With What You’ve Been Doing…
BUT, Are You Comfortable Knowing There’s Something You Could’ve Done 
To Make Yourself The Best Possible Solution For Your Patients?
BUT, Are You Comfortable Knowing There’s Something You Could’ve Done To Make Yourself The Best Possible Solution For Your Patients?
You Can IGNORE This Training & Just Stick With What You’ve Been Doing…
 Improve your confidence in the clinic
 Revamp the way you evaluate and treat patients
 Become the obvious solution to patients looking for relief 
But, Are You Comfortable Knowing There’s Something You Could’ve Done To Make Yourself The Best Possible Solution For your patients?
Are You Comfortable Knowing There’s Something You Could’ve Done To Make Yourself The Best Possible Solution For Your Patients?
Sure, you've tried those continuing education courses…

But let's face it, a lot of them are just fluff.

They get you hyped up with no real takeaway, leaving you back at square one when you’re faced with a complex case.

Right now, you’re presented with a real opportunity to truly grow and evolve as a professional.

Which means...
you Are One Choice  Away From Being That BADASS Physical Therapist Your Patients Need You To Become
You have an opportunity to learn a system that you can follow so you can evaluate and treat your patients better…
If you ignore this chance to make changes, it means you’re staying safe in your comfort zone…

And do you know what that also means?
It means missing out on becoming the therapist your patients truly need.

The choice is yours.

With this training, you’ll be able to help your patients feel better than 
when they first stepped in. And it’s completely free! 

With this training, you’ll be able to help your patients feel better than when they first stepped in. 
And it’s completely free! 

I’ve created a system called the Mobility Manual that teaches you how to restore your strength and mobility so you can move more freely with less pain and give yourself an opportunity to move better and feel great.

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