Get Access To Our Certification Program That Equips You With Advanced Physical Therapy Techniques & Tools


So That You Can Increase your Confidence, the value of your skillset ($$$) 
And Help More People Get Out Of Pain - Fast!
So that You Can Increase the Value of Your Skillset ($$$) and Help More People Get Out of Pain - Fast!


Certification Program!

That Equips You With Advanced Physical Therapy Techniques & 
Tools So You Can Take Your Practice To The Next Level
That Equips You With Advanced Physical Therapy Techniques & Tools So You Can Take Your Practice To The Next Level
In this mentorship program, we're going to take you way past the basics so that you can have extreme confidence and clarity...no matter who or what walks through the door. You'll learn in-depth, advanced physical therapy techniques and gain access to tools that you won’t find elsewhere.
If Our Free Training Impressed You...
Just Imagine What Our Full Mentorship Program Can Do to help you stand out in your community, get more clients, and earn more money
If Our Free Training Impressed You,
Our Full Certification Program Will help you stand out in your community, get more clients, and earn more money
Congratulations on enhancing your physical therapy skills with our free training!

You've already taken a big step in understanding the basics of what we do to help serve our patients better.

But now, we're ready to take you even further.

We believe that you’re ready to go beyond the basics and learn advanced physical therapy techniques that we've developed and helped us charge $300 per visit.
In this program, we're pulling back the curtain on methods and approaches that have taken years to learn, practice, and refine.
This is your opportunity to learn and stand out in a crowded field, to become the physical therapist everyone refers to when they need real results. This is the most effective way to build your physical therapy practice.

If you’re ready to take your practice to the next level…
We’re Excited to Introduce to You…
Our Performance Rehab Authority Mentorship Program
Our Performance Rehab Authority Mentorship Program is designed to take you 
from 'an emerging therapist' to 'a sought-after, badass expert’.
Our Performance Rehab Authority Mentorship Program is designed to take You From 'An Emerging Therapist' To 'A Sought-After, Badass Expert’.
even though you learned a lot from 
our 3-Week Free Training, we know 
you’re scratching for more
Even Though You Learned
 A Lot From our 3-Week Free Training, We Know You’re Scratching For More
Because let’s face it, despite the training, you may still feel...
  • Confused about detailing out evaluations on other cases and deciding on the most effective next steps.
  • Unsure about the best way to make your therapy approach personalize for each patient
  • Uncertain about how to achieve the best results for your patient 
And that’s okay.

Many clinicians that we’ve worked with and mentored have never been taught a system to follow - a black-and-white algorithm.
This is exactly why you need to get your hands on our Mentorship program
We're here to fill those gaps and make sure that you're confident in applying your newfound knowledge in evaluation and treatment.

With This Course You'll Learn How to Evaluate & Treat Any Case 
That Comes Through Your Door With Confidence

With This Course You'll Learn How to Evaluate & Treat Any Case That Comes Through Your Door With Confidence

We’re Excited to Introduce to You…
Our Performance Rehab Authority Certification Program
Our Performance Rehab Authority Certification Program is designed to take you from 'an emerging therapist' to 'a sought-after, badass expert’.

See, even if you learned a lot from our 3-Week Free Training, we know you’re scratching for more.

Because let’s face it, despite the training, you may still feel...
  • Confused about detailing out evaluations on other cases and deciding on the most effective next steps.
  • Unsure about the best way to make your therapy approach personalize for each patient
  • Uncertain about how to achieve the best results for your patient without worrying about the risk of causing injury during therapy.
And that’s okay.

Many PTs that we’ve worked with and mentored have never been taught a system to follow - a black-and-white algorithm.
This is exactly why you need to get your hands on our certification program
We're here to fill those gaps and make sure that you're confident in applying your newfound knowledge in evaluation and treatment.

After this certification program, you’ll elevate your skills and practice to the point where you are…
After this Mentorship program
you’ll elevate your skills and practice to the point where you are…
constant demand
The one with a constantly 
full waiting list
go-to expert
The go-to expert that other therapists seek out for advice
patient referrals
The therapist patients rave about to their friends and family
That's the kind of transformation waiting for you in this Mentorship program.
That's the kind of transformation waiting for you in this Mentorship program.
Here’s What You Can Expect From The Mentorship Program
Performance Rehab Authority Clinical Reasoning Guide
A Step-by-Step Quick Reference Clinic Manual that not only goes joint by joint, from the cervical spine to the foot and ankle- but also movement pattern by movement pattern through return to performance.

This document is packed with clear, actionable steps. From patient evaluation to specific treatment plans, it guides you through each process with precision.

Perfect for when you're in the clinic and need a quick, reliable reference to make sure you’re on the right track.
Video Masterclass Series
40+ Hours of Engaging Materials

Each video is designed to keep you engaged and learning, turning complex concepts into something you can actually visualize and understand.

Whether you’re at home or on the go, these videos are your go-to resource for refining your skills and boosting your confidence.

(And bonus access to previous live trainings.)
12 Weeks of No-BS Content
In this mentorship program- because it's not just a continuing education course - we streamline the outcome so you don't waste time in achieving the outcome.

Each week brings you closer to mastering the skills you need to be a badass, performance rehab clinician.

We focus on delivering content that has a direct impact on your ability to assess, diagnose, and treat effectively.

By the end of these 12 weeks, you’ll have transformed your approach, armed with the know-how to tackle real patient cases with confidence and precision.
Sample Scenarios (and How to Apply the Algorithms)
We provide you with real-life patient scenarios, each designed to challenge you and enhance your understanding of our step-by-step algorithms.

This hands-on approach guarantees that you’re not just learning concepts; you’re practicing them in ways that directly translate to your clinical practice and allow you to implement the very same day.
Weekly Live Calls
Each week, you'll have the opportunity to ask questions, get clarifications, and discuss any challenges that you may be facing.

These calls are all about interactive learning and personalized feedback. We want to make sure you're not just following the content, but truly understanding and applying it.
2 Day Live Event at Move Athletics in West Springfield, MA
After 12 weeks, we have an exclusive in-person event where we solidify the fine details, improve upon the massive growth you've already had, and move from great to exceptional.

If you can't make it, don’t worry – you can join the next event.

With This Mentorship Program You'll Learn How to Evaluate & Treat Any Case 
That Comes Through Your Door With Confidence

With This Mentorship Program You'll Learn How to Evaluate & Treat Any Case That Comes Through Your Door With Confidence

Meet Your Guides:
The Creators of Performance Rehab Authority Mentorship Program
Hey there! We're Roger and Caitlin, the faces behind the Performance Rehab Authority Mentorship Program.

We know what you might be thinking…  "Are these people really qualified to help me become a better PT?"

Well, let's put those doubts to rest. Here's a rundown of our creds:
Roger's Credentials:
owner of move athletics
Roger's Credentials:
owner of move athletics
  • PT: Yep, I'm a fully licensed Physical Therapist.
  • DPT: Got my Doctorate in Physical Therapy
  • KEOMT: I specialize in Orthopedic Manual Therapy.
  • ​FAAOMPT x 2: Not just one, but two Fellowships of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists.
  • Founder: Move Athletics Performance Rehab
  • ​Mentoring DPTs and Rehab Chiros: Since 2018
  • Co-Founder: Performance Rehab Authority
Caitlin’s Credentials:
co owner of move athletics
  • PRA-C: I’m Performance Rehab Authority Certified
  • PT: Also a licensed Physical Therapist.
  • DPT: Earned my Doctorate in Physical Therapy.
  • ​CSCS: Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist.
  • ​Founder: Forged Physical Therapy and Performance
  • Co-Owner: Move Athletics Performance Rehab
  • ​​Co-Founder: Performance Rehab Authority
Between the two of us, we've got a whole lot of knowledge and experience in making physical therapy work better for both therapists and patients.
When we teamed up, it was like the perfect storm – in a good way. We both saw how much more could be done in PT, especially in making sure therapists really get the ‘why’ behind what they’re doing.
So, here we are, doing what we love – teaching, mentoring, and yes, still providing patients with life changing results.

And why did we create this Mentorship Program?

It’s our way of getting all that knowledge and real-world experience out to you because our mission is to change the way active adults and athletes experience the healthcare system...

And it starts with empowering you.

With This Course You'll Learn How to Evaluate & Treat Any Case 
That Comes Through Your Door With Confidence

With This Course You'll Learn How to Evaluate & Treat Any Case That Comes Through Your Door With Confidence

Here’s What These Badass, Performance Rehab Clinicians Have To Say About Our Program
"[This is] a course that focuses on taking somebody from their sickest to their strongest. And you'll also be able to figure out why no other provider has gotten that patient better. It teaches you how to properly evaluate someone, get them out of pain as quickly as possible, and load the aprpoporiately so their pain doesnt return."
Osama Imam
Owner/Physical therapist - performance practice
"This has been worth every penny that i invested in it. I'm glad I'm doing it, and I'm learning so much. I've been able to help more people that I would have struggled with. If i would have treated them, I don't know that I would have gotten them better."
Matt Szymanski
Physical therapist - performance practice
"I highly recommend the PRA to new and seasoned clinicians. . .it's made myself more confident in what I'm assessing and why."
Sarah Marchionne
Owner/Physical therapist - performance practice
"PRA has brought to my attention the things I was missing that I'm now catching, and patients are getting better. . .[The PRA] has single handedly been the best investment I have made up to this point in my life. . .It's given me the confidence as a new grad to work with patients and have answers to their questions."
Alex Warren
Physical therapist 
"There's no stone left un-turned. [The PRA] goes joint by joint, from upper cervical spine down to feet and toes, and they provide a lot of insight into evaluation techniques, clinical pearls, treatment, manual therapy, exercise prescription all the way from eval to discharge - it's so thorough. . . .It's elevated my practice."
Britt Smith
Owner/Physical therapist - performance practice
"This was by far the best investment I've ever made in myself, for my career and for my patients who are now achieving much better outcomes so much more quickly."
Linsey Roth
Physical therapist - performance practice
"One of the biggest things I've gained from this program is having a structured system for performing evals and being able to figure out what's going on with patients. . .I now have a much better idea of how to treat that person and get them better."
Matt Mooney
Physical therapist 
If You’re Still Not Sure if This Program Is for You…
Think About What Will Happen To Your Practice and Patients If You Don’t Level Up
If you don’t evolve and gain unshakeable confidence that you can help your patients no matter their case…

Your patients will convince themselves that their pain is something they just have to ‘live with’…

And if we’re right about you, that is not an outcome you stand for.

But if you continue down this path where you’re content with what you ‘know’ right now, that’s exactly what’s going to happen.
And it doesn’t stop there. You're going to be stuck in this cycle of doubt and frustration.

Each patient who doesn't improve under your care chips away at your confidence.

You might find yourself questioning your career choice, wondering if you're really cut out for this.
And let's not forget the ripple effect. When one patient loses hope, they talk.
They share their experience with friends, family, and even on social media. Your reputation, something you've worked so hard to build, starts to take hits.
And in a field where trust and results are everything, this can be devastating.

Don't let this be your story.
Right Now, You Have Two Options…
 Option 1  —  Stick to What You Know Now
Choosing Option 1 means keeping things as they are in your practice.

Sure, your patients will improve, but there'll be times when you might feel a bit out of your depth with complex cases.

When this happens, your patients could sense your hesitation, and it might shake their confidence a bit.

They might start thinking, "Will I really get better?"

This path is comfortable, no doubt, but it might not push you or your practice to those amazing heights you could reach with a few more tools in your belt.

It's steady-going, sure, but every now and then, you might catch yourself wondering, "What if I'd learned a bit more?
 Option 2 —  Evolve and Elevate Your Practice
Here, you don't just learn new techniques; you revolutionize your entire approach to patient care.

This change not only enhances your skills but also elevates your practice to new heights.

Imagine being the therapist with a constantly full waiting list, known for delivering exceptional results.

You become the go-to expert that other therapists seek out for advice, the one who sets new standards in physical therapy.

Your patients will feel the difference, and they'll be vocal about it. They'll rave about you to their friends and family, turning your practice into a community-recommended hub for healing.

This is where you become more than a therapist; you become a symbol of hope and your practice transforms into a place where patients know they'll find solutions.

It’s Time You Made a Decision…
Are You Ready To Become A Badass Performance Rehab Clinician
Or Are You Okay With Settling For Less?
  We Have to Give Up on Things We Love to Do to Prevent Pain From Flaring Up
This is a flat out LIE.

It’s not the things that you do or even your age that flare up the pain you are feeling.

It’s what you you do with your body as you go through your recovery (which is so much more than rest).

Take my story as an example.

A few years back, I got an injury which put me in excruciating pain.

The best advice that I was given was that my lower back and hips were fragile and tight and I needed to rest it until the pain went away.
It’s Time You Made a Decision…
Are You Ready to Take Your Practice To The Next Level, or Are You Okay with Settling for Less?
 Average Physical Therapists and Rehab Chiropractors/ Clinicians
People only want to work with them because they either have no other choice or they just want someone to tell them they can get better (even if they don’t believe it)…
 Badass, Go-To Physical Therapists and Rehab Chiropractors/Clinicians
These therapists are the obvious choice for patients. They’re sought after because patients know deep inside they’re in good hands. Patients believe they’ll get better the moment they step foot in their clinic…
The Question Is, Which one are you 
going to Choose To become?

With This Certification Program You'll Learn How to Evaluate & Treat Any Case 
That Comes Through Your Door With Confidence

With This Mentorship Program You'll Learn How to Evaluate & Treat Any Case That Comes Through Your Door With Confidence

Move Athletics | Copyright 2024 | All rights reserved.
Customer Support: dr.caitlin@moveathleticseducation.com
Return policy: 30 day money back guarantee, for any reason